
dual CULTure

I am glad that the project "dual CULTure" is finally ready to go. It's an assemblage of artwork that my friend and I did. It is inteded to be a free creation which is based off noncommercial ideas. It's 32 pages, black and white, all printed on newsprint. I've only printed a limited number of copies so if you see it at your local book store, don't hesitate to grab one. It's only $5!

プロジェクト "dual CULTure" 一年半かかってようやく完成した!内容は自分と3人の友達のコマーシャルを目的としなかった自由制作の写真やイラストレーション。32ページ白黒新聞紙。1000冊しか刷らなかったので、もしどこかで見たらすぐにゲットしないとすぐ無くなると思う。$5。


"Project Polaroid" by Tim Diet

"Lamp" by Gary Fogelson

Sumi ink on paper by "Kiji McCafferty

"Buildings" by Jun Sugai

For international shipping, please email me first here.


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