先月のCMWC 09'の最中ずーっと世話になりっぱなしだった浅草のメッセンジャー、TOY DOGとユースケの押しもあり、渡米3日前にギリギリで行ってきました。その名もBORED。どうやらこの店、東京の、というかコアな人達の間ではかなり有名らしい。自分が行った時にはフランスからのオーダー受けていたし、NYのku.も知っていたし、知らなかったのは俺だけ? で、何を頼んだかというと、前後ハブのコーン研磨とベアリングの掃除、BBの交換。特に今まで使っていたBB(下写真参照)は、ベアリングが真っ黒に焼き付いていて、当たっている場所がワン、スピンドル共にゴリゴリに削れていて店の人も驚いてた、、

この店はものすごく丁寧な接客で、店オリジナルのグリースと1チューブ8000円の輸入グリースの潤滑性の違い、チェーン弱張りの重要性、 何がどう自転車を動かすのかひとつひとつ細かく説明してくれて、自分たちが本当に好きだからこの店やっている感が伝わってきて、愛車を安心して預けられた。
そしてそんなBOREDがオリジナルのハブを出すらしい。(with Starf*ckers?) グリースにあそこまでこだわる店だし自分的には期待大!値段もたしか前後で2万5千円位なはず。チャリ乗ってる人は是非一度お店まで足を運ぶべし!
✉156-0041 東京都世田谷区大原1-60-5 セントラルA-1F
Tel: 050-1331-6563
Email: info.bored@gmail.com
Tokyo messenger TOY DOG and his brother Yu-ske, who are letting me stay at their house while CMWC 2009 TOKYO, told me about BORED and it was a shame that I didn't know about it this long and didn't go there before the race. (Even ku. in NY knew about it.)
They are a couple of professional bike mechanics and I asked them to tune-up the hubs and bottom bracket on my bike this time.
Basically, what they did was install a new bottom bracket and polish the both front & back hub's inner cups and bearings with some secret grease they make.
The result was amazing. It made me realize how the cleanings that I've been doing to my bike were amateurish. It almost feels like I'm riding a new bike, soooo smooth like swimming in butter.
Their primary skill is not only bike tune-ups but also customer service. My mechanic explained to me how my bike works, the significance of grease and chain tension etc. They were getting orders from France while I was in the store so you can tell their polite customer service is well known globally.
What's more, they are releasing an original hub soon cooperating with Starf*ckers. I am certain it's going to be a great product and If I remember it correctly, it will be appx. 250 for both front and back. It's highly recommended if you are serious about the maintenance of your bike!
1-60-5 A-1F, Ohara, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +81-50-1331-6563
Email: info.bored@gmail.com
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