
Movie in Time

 Amer (2009) by Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani

この映画カテゴライズするのが難しい、、エロホラー?一番気になったのがカメラワーク。古典的な撮影方法で映画を新しく表現しようとしている挑戦的な撮影の仕方がカッコイイです。 6/10

"Erotic Horror" is the genre this movie could fit in but it's difficult for me to categorize because of the classical yet futuristic expression of camera work. It's obvious that the crew is trying to follow classic Italian horror movie style ( check out the poster! ) but I like how they are trying to make something completely new out of it.  6 / 10

 The Edge (1997) by Lee Tamahori

単純にボーっと観てるだけでも楽しめるサバイバルエンターテイメント! 7/10
Just sit down on the couch and keep snacking on popcorn. This movie will make 117 min into 30 min!  7 / 10

 The Hunt (2012) by Thomas Vinterberg

デンマークの映画。簡単に言えば、、、子供は怖いねー!知らないふりして本質的な部分は全部分かっているからねー!甘く見るな!って感じでしょうか?変な誤解を解く役を演じるこの俳優さん、演技力ピカイチ! 7/10

A film from Denmark. A sentence "Do not underestimate what children think." can simply explain what this movie is about. The main character Lucas faces a misunderstanding with the community because of it. Mads Mikkelsen's acting skill shows beautifully in the story line.  7 / 10

Martyrs (2008) by Pascal Laugier


Try not to think of this as a typical torture horror movie just because of how it starts. I could expect what happens in the first half part of the movie but not the other half. It's more about mental than physical pain. People ask me which movie has been my favorite these days and I cannot stop recommending this movie. What I saw in this film is still weirdly vivid even after a couple of months..  8 / 10

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