
Movie in Time

Uncle Boonmee (2010) by Apichatpong Weerasethakul

久しぶりに変な映画を観た。精霊や人の魂に対する見方はアジアならばどの国にも共通するのか考えさせられた。監督がタイでは"Invisible Life"は一般的に信じられているってインタビューで言ってた。ジャングルで幼少期を過ごしたのか、森がしきりに出てきて神秘的に描かれてる。残りの映画もディグしてみよう。

Just watched an interesting movie last night. Not sure if it's because of religion, but it somehow made me think there are a lots of similarities in people's view on spirituality and human soul in asian countries. The director references "Invisible Life", a common belief in Thailand. He also uses the jungle often as the spiritual stage. I'll definitely add more of his movies in my list.

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