Movie in Time
Tron Legacy (2010)
Looking Goood! Looks like Jeff Bridges is still in the role. Check out the original one also.
Music in Time

Went to see Tortoise on Tuesday at Le Poisson Rouge. The place was packed and it was a brilliant live show. To me, they always execute gigs in an intellectual way. Maybe it's because they rotate their roles with every song. I love seeing Jeff Parker playing guitar and vibraphone at the same time, John McEntire banging drums seconds after playing keyboard. That just shows how talented and versatile every musician in this band is.
They of course played songs from their new album "Beacons of Ancestorship" but I cannot forget a compilation box-set "A Lazarus Taxon" I got in 2006, especially the DVD it comes with. It has their PV, recording movies, gig posters, live documents, etc. It's just a beatiful presentation of their history and shows how they enjoy music.
Movie in Time

TAKEN (2008)
たまたま観たこの映画、、、元FBI?の冴えないお父さんが娘を誘拐されて助けに行く話なんだけど、アクションが半端なかった!ちゃんとしたリサーチに基づいた戦い方だと思う。訓練を積んだお父さんを怒らせるとこうなります。UNRATED version でなきゃダメです。
A great action movie. The story is simple enough. Former FBI investigator saves his kidnapped daughter. I think all the action in this movie is based on the research of some real combat technique. Make sure to watch UNRATED version.

Thursday July 16th, 2009. 7PM-8PM

Friday July 17th, 2009. 10AM-2PM
Stakeout for my stolen bike. No clue so far.
キモッ - unidentified -
This is a video clip of an unknown life form found in a North Carolina sewer. It seems it has been confirmed as a colony of tubifex worm, which sold as fish food in pet stores but it's more fun for me to leave it as an unknown life form. It gives me a chill every time I look at this clip.

This picture above is know as "Montauk Monster" which was found on East Hampton beach, Montauk, NY last year. It has been confirmed as a dead body of a raccoon but some still assume it is a biological experiment drifted from Plum Island where there is an animal disease center owned by US Department of Homeland Security.
Movie in Time

Allegro Non Troppo (1977)
Just watched this last night and it blew my mind. It's a combination of B&W film and animation. It reminded me of Fantastic Planet at the beginning but it's more ethical and appealing to mother nature. It consists of 8-10 different stories and I personally liked the 3rd one with a dinosaur march. It seems this was famous kids' movie back then ( Shame that I finally watched it in my dirty 30's!). I'm sure this movie gave kids a nice foundation of art because it's full of colors, humor and great motion graphic ideas. Directed by Brunno Bozzetto.
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