
Chicken Gravy

So tired and sleepy....didn't get much sleep last night because I was drinking till 1 at Spike Hill on Bedford ave. Chicken Gravy's new songs were the reason we hung out a little later than usual. They sound soulful, melancholic, and jumpy. I can not wait to listen their up-coming 2nd album "JOYRIDE" which I worked on logo & type. It's the kind of music that you actually feel right to touch their sounds on CD and its package.
Above all, every sunday night should contain a classic italian horror movie with simple tomato sauce pasta. So I can show up at the 9:30 meeting next day with an aggressive mind.....

あー疲れた。チキングレービーのノリノリな曲のせいにはしないけれど、日曜の夜なのについつい飲み過ぎてしまった。彼らの2nd album "JOYRIDE"がもうすぐリリース。デザインにまた参加させてもらった。早く実物が見てみたい。

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